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  • 《Ultrasonics Sonochemistry》
    年:2017   卷:36   期数:   ISSN:1350-4177   点击量:1299
    Title:    Effects of high power ultrasonic vibration on the cold compaction of titanium
    文章编号:    20170004
    Author(s):     Vahid Fartashvand, Amir Abdullah, Seyed Ali Sadough Vanini
    Keywords:    Ultrasonic vibration; Titanium; Cold compaction; Longitudinal vibration
    Abstract:     Titanium has widely been used in chemical and aerospace industries. In order to overcome the drawbacks of cold compaction of titanium, the process was assisted by an ultrasonic vibration system. For this purpose, a uniaxial ultrasonic assisted cold powder compaction system was designed and fabricated. The process variables were powder size, compaction pressure and initial powder compact thickness. Density, friction force, ejection force and spring back of the fabricated samples were measured and studied. The density was observed to improve under the action of ultrasonic vibration. Fine size powders showed better results of consolidation while using ultrasonic vibration. Under the ultrasonic action, it is thought that the friction forces between the die walls and the particles and those friction forces among the powder particles are reduced. Spring back and ejection force didn’t considerably change when using ultrasonic vibration.
    页码:     155-161
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